Mar 31, 2011

Level but not equal...

It is naive to consider that sitting in a class with the same teacher means the education is "equal" for all. We all start from different points of background, parenting, nutrition, etc. all of which influence our ability to learn, which is the most important part of "education." Education for that reason can never be equal.

Only online courses done right can come close to making possible "individual" attention and flexibility for different capacities of concentration, memory, synthesis and on and on, IF done right.

CocoLoco to Learn (CocoLoco por Apender) WILL come closer to making that possible for anyone who realizes that they both need to learn and will benefit and be better off for having this type of learning available and then taking advantage of it.

in reference to:

"If everyone had the same education, the inequality of income would be reduced by less than 10 percent. When you focus on education you neglect the myriad of other factors that determine income. The differences of income among people who have the same education are huge.”"
- Tools for Thinking - (view on Google Sidewiki)

Mar 3, 2011

Google One Pass still too complicated!

It's SO simple. Just do what Skype does. It's perfect. You don't have to negotiate various telephone company servicies, you just plunk down your cash and as you call, the minutes tick by eating up your pennies usually at 2¢ a mintues.

Google could do the same. Let me choose my favorites like one does on Google FastFlip. In fact, Google could even use the FastFlip model. I plunk down my $10 or $20 via credit card and then I go through opening up sites. When I open those FastFlip sites to read the whole article then I pay. If Google could get everyone to agree on a price per page, then I just read.

Like on Skype there would be a money left box and I could gauge my reading habits according to how much I want to pay!!

It would be perfect. Without that model, then one will wind up having to set up payment schemes with a multitud of sites. Not. No one will take the trouble to do it!!

Please, please Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, Sergey Brin: Skype did it. PLEASE think simple, easy, USEFUL!!!!

in reference to:

"By providing a system for user authentication, payment processing, and administration, Google One Pass lets publishers focus on creating high quality content for their readers."
- Google One Pass (view on Google Sidewiki)