Jan 26, 2011

They prefer dictatorship?

Looks like the three conservative justices who skipped Obama's State of the Union speech prefer a president who would not dare to call in question their decisions. Perhaps they'd prefer a dictatorship, where their decisions are not only considered above any law, but also beyond any criticism. So the right has now become rabid. Shame on them.

in reference to:

"The three most conservative Supreme Court justices — Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito — skipped the speech. Last year, Alito balked when Obama took the court to task for one of its decisions. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, a former Colorado senator, was left behind in the event that a catastrophe forced a presidential succession."
- State of the Union 2011: So much for civility - Jonathan Allen - POLITICO.com (view on Google Sidewiki)

Jan 12, 2011

Microsoft lawsuit re "App Store" = normal

As usual Microhard shows zero, zilch, nada of capacity for originality or creativity. Instead they sue to beg, steal, borrow or in reality, simply copy. Ah, the flattery of it all.
What about Solution Maker or iTool Mart? No. They want to use another's successful marketing phrase idea to boost sales of an already years old tired sytem because they don't have the brain power ingenuity anymore to do otherwise. Poor, sad Microsoft.

con referencia a: DailyTech - Microsoft Takes on Apple "App Store" Trademark (ver en Google Sidewiki)