Mar 17, 2010

Google's CEO Eric Schmidt at Abu Dhabi Media Summit - notes

Riveting talk and Q&A about the media and the increasing shift of development of the internet toward  mobile devices first. Well worth watching the whole 45 minutes

On the news media's situation: " You want to see the future look at those devices [kindle, etc.] and imagine a more targeted news device. that will ultimately replace many of the printed versions of the same thing. "

Magazines/Advertising:  "Magazines are phenomenal, I love magazines, i love the pictures, i love ...they even have fragrances in some cases, they're trying to figure out how to do that on computers yet, but they have beautiful photos and so forth we can do the same thing now on these mobile devices. But we can do something else, in advertising, the advertising can be more personal. it can be more dynamic.
    All of the announced and all of the rumored tablets have dynamic targeted advertising as a key component of their media strategy occurring this year. ... I do know that an advertisement that is targeted is worth more money, that the ads that are shown on my television at home that don't apply to me are a waste of advertising. Wouldn't it be better if they were more targeted.
     We at google are doing similar things for television. the set top boxes and so forth, it's the same principle."

Eventually the digital revenues should be higher than analog because the advertising is more targeted, the viewer more focussed, the outcome is more measurable, and we can produce a better viewing consumption innovation experiment for the user. ...The consumer will eventually get what they want, they eventually always do. And they want entertainment, they want information and they want their education and they're going to get it online.

Technology allows people to be enormously creative. Think about Facebook and Youtube, two of the leading brands in the online social age, especially if you're a young person. And they didn't exist five years ago.
.. .they'll be another one and another one...  The way to think about this if you're a media person  think of it as a ship [?] that iterates a scenario.. prototype early and often, gather and analyze the data, cause you can measure everything and try again and measure and try again.  Instead of having someone run up to you and say I'm absolutely sure...I'd say prove it. I don't really care about what you think, I care about what your users think and you can ask them.  Why? because everyone of them has a mobile phone, every one has a way of testing. If you're not doing that, you're not running your business, in my view in the right way.
    YouTube and Facebook now constitute 9% of all time online.

This should be called the "Magic Summit."  24 min speech and Q&A.

Re effect of the internet: I'm very worried about  the loss of what I call deep reading. What I've noticed is that  everyone I work with spends all of their time in short form. Short message, short communications, short interrupt , and so forth. And all of the analysis says that we don't multitask very well, that human beings the science says, are better off on focussing on one thing, and then focussing on something else. and so forth. So I worry that there is an impact of the internet and this crazy life that we all have. So I'll say it negatively. Now I obviously believe that the benefit of what I'm describing is overwhelming. 
     So let's start with one of the final goals of our society which was for people to actually be able to communicate with each other. and in the next five or ten years it will be possible for essentially everyone to be able to communicate. "

Billion new people will come on line in the next 3 years because of mobile phones. "They have never been heard from before, they're in countries I've never visited, they're in countries that we ignore, they're in languages that no one here speaks in this room. and there are a billion of them. What do they want? Are they the same as us? I hope so. We're going to hear from them for the first time.But just as the globalization of the last ten years has had the benefit of lifting two billion people out of abject poverty roughly into the middle class at least in their country's middle class which is a remarkable achievement from a health and education perspective, we're going to hear these new voice, I think that is wonderful. I've always believed that the objective of all of us particularly in this region, should be about tolerance and in order to get tolerance you have to get understanding. and by translating things automatically, by allowing people to communicate, and so forth, we're going to make that.
     People who live their lives on line think a little differently, they don't think quite in a stove-piped way not quite as nationalistic they're not quite as subject to identity poitics and it's possible to reach them on an individual basis about things that they care about. And that's a tool and a technology that all of us can use to make the world a better place.

 One of the great success stories of our world has been the development of telecommunications networks with these basic SMS-enabled phones, the number of people who are coming in in what we think of as inexpensive phones    $20-30 phones through the MTM network and so forth in Africa has really given people information that is crucial to them. Typical example is that with SMS queries, Google does a lot of this, with an SMS question you can ask a question like what's the weather, and you sit there and go, well, the weather it's sort of hot here in the Arab world. If you're a farmer in Africa, the weather will determine your planning schedule, and if your planning schedule is not correct, your family will go hungry.
     So the importance of these small networks and in particular the basic level phone who have never had any communication can not be overstated."

Politicians are now well aware that they're under a microscope.

Flash mobs - word of mouth to go do something.

How powerful are these against repressive regimes...tanks still trump the internet...but people have long memories. and I think that's the contest that we're going to see in the next few years.

I obviously believe that the social good of all of this will be phenomenal. with the rise of living standards the sense of community is worth everything that I just talked about.

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